baby growth

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Just Cayden and Mama......

I haven't tried bringing Cayden out alone. It was always either with Joash or my mum or my sisters......Yesterday, I wanted to visit Jan who has just given birth to a baby girl (cute !) at TMC in the evening. As my mum and my sisters were not free, I decided to bring Cayden along and then planned a trip to United Square for dinner.

Just packed the bare essentials and his dinner, strapped Cayden in his carseat and drove off. Fortunately, Cayden is so used to sitting in the carseat that he did not fuss at all. Reached TMC in no time and met Matthew and his mum and dad at the lobby.

Went up to visit Jan and her new baby. is a 1-bed private room.....NICE !!! The room has a plasma screen ...and it also have a small living area for guests...and on top of that, TMC serve really good confinement food....

( more free advertising........but WOW WOW WOW !!!)

Anywhere, we had dinner at United Square with Sandy, Mike and Matthew. Cayden finished his porridge, half my bowl of macaroni soup. And thanks Mike, who helped to search for a high chair and then stacked the chairs to confine my rascal..... :)

I wanted to see some winter boots for Cayden....but we ended up in Clifford...


Then we walked passed Toyrus. Cayden was hopping and dancing all the way to Toyrus. He was playing with the rows and rows of batteries.....I got bored...wanted an I asked Cayden.." want an ice-cream ?"

He immediately dropped his pack of batteries, with eyes lit up, he pointed to his mouth and said "YAY YAY !" Hahaha....I did not expect such a excited response....


Overall, the short outing is pretty good as Cayden was quite co-operative. I got more confident now to bring that rascal out ..... Posted by Picasa


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