baby growth

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Looong dinner

Mama :

Whenever we go out for lunch or dinner with Cayden, it is at most a 1 hour affair. This is because Cayden's patience will not last very long.

Yesterday, we went out for dinner with mum, dad and my sisters for a steam boat buffet dinner. For the first 30 minutes, Cayden was sitting in his high chair eating his dinner, for the next 30 minutes, he was playing with my mobile, his gong gong's pen, my sis's mobile and lots of other things....still in his high chair. The last 30 minutes, he was on the floor playing with the highchair and lots of other things. And he picked up a piece of toufu on the floor which he had dropped it earlier and popped it into his mouth before i could stop him.

His gong gong is the kind of person who is very prime and proper when dinning out. So whenever Cayden shouted for food or toys, his gong gong would look elsewhere (as if pretending it is not Cayden who shouted).

Hehe...I wonder when will be the next time we are going to dine out with gong gong again.

By the way, I would try not to put a kid on the restaurant floor to play but in this case, i really had no choice.


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