baby growth

Sunday, April 30, 2006


Mama :
Cayden discovered speed..... He sped down the slope in Botanical Gardens a zillion times.....he rolled down the same slope couple of times.....and we realised that we have to train up our stamina to catch the little kiddo soon .....

time to hit the gym !


Wonder what the two kiddos are looking at !

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Mama :

Cayden got this stuff doggy off my sis's bed and now it offically stays in Cayden's bed. He loves Woa Woa (He called it Woa Woa cos I think he was trying to say Woof Woof) so much that he will smile happily when he hug it to sleep every night and kiss it every morning....

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Monday, April 24, 2006

Haircut !

Mama :

Equipment : Philips Hairstylist Shaver
Hairstylist : Mama
Target : Cayden's standing hair



Cost : PRICELESS Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Monkey at play.....

There are so many ways to go up a slide. Let me do a quick demo.....

Saturday, April 15, 2006

I wonder....

Mama :

I wonder where we will be one year from today......

Today is not a special day of some sorts.....but received news a couple of days back on possible changes.

This is a news which gave me joy in the beginning...thereafter, excitement. And a few days after that, anxiety and worries.......

I wonder......where will we be one year from today.....

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Round and round....

Infantcare called and said that Cayden has fever. So, I went to pick him up and went to my mum's place. Was not feeling too well myself so I just put the Mother Goose DVD on for Cayden. He was watching abit and then suddenly he stood up and do this ....

Then I realised that Cayden was just imitating Mother Goose which is showing one group of children forming a cicle and walking in a big circle while singing...hahhaa......

Monday, April 10, 2006

Morning person.....

Cayden is not a morning person. Every morning, he will laze around in bed....turn and toss till he is happy to open his eyes.....

We had to change his diapers and into his tee and pants while he was still "pretending" to sleep this morning. And how do I know he was pretending to sleep .....cos when i said " Cayden, do you want to throw your diapers ?" He suddenly sat up, opened his eyes REAL big and said "..pers !...pers !"

hahahhaaa...i can forsee the struggles i will face in future when he start his oficial primary schooling for the morning session......oh no....

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Change your clothes ... Cayden !

Recently, we try to involve Cayden whenever we need to change him.

Previously, whenever we tried to change him in/out of pajamas or tee/pants....he would scream the whole house down. It was even worse when trying to change him out of his diapers. He would keep flipping over and no matter how stern I "scold" him....he simply dun care....

So we tried a different approach. We do it the fun way......We will do peek-a-boo whenever i need to put a tee over his head.....and "Give me your left hand !" and " Oops....where is your right hand ?!!!" for the is tiring just to wear his tee....but worth it, cos Cayden dun scream that much now....hopefully, it last......

As for diapers, he likes to pick up his soiled diapers and throw it in the bin. While changing his diapers, we will tell him that he will have a diapers to throw once he finish changing out of his soiled ones.

PS : He loves to do this so much that he always pulls out his new diapers from the pack and throw them into the bin too.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Aunti or Tai Tai Soh?

Cayden has a facination with bags now. He loves to carry his own school bag and also helps me to carry my tote bag sometimes. My sis is trying to train him to carry her bag for her whenever we go out together ......

Monday, April 03, 2006

Lazy Sunday......

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